
How long does Google SEO take to work?

Source:EMC   date:2023-10-23 18:21:34   views:207

Google SEO for your website needs to be done over time, not in a day.

Unlike SEM, the operation of SEO is a long-term process, not a job that can be completed overnight.

How long does SEO take to work?

How long does Google SEO take to work?

Image from: Google screenshot

SEO usually takes 3-6 months to show results.

That's according to ~ 4,300 people who responded to our poll on LinkedIn and Twitter.

As a side note: We also looked into the client-only Facebook group Ahrefs Insider. Only 82 people responded there, with 6-12 months being the most popular answer.

But the reality is that there is no set time frame. It depends.

Why does SEO take so long?

SEO is not advertising. You can't pay to go there. So, if you want to rank your keywords #1, you need to prove to Google that you are the best result.

This means that how long it takes for SEO to "work" depends on a number of factors. Here are some factors to consider:

New vs old website

In general, since they've been around longer, older sites tend to have more backlinks (and therefore, more site authority), more pages, more content, and more rankings for keywords.

Newer sites, on the other hand, require more effort and resources to get off the ground. In fact, some SEOs even believe that Google has a "sandbox" that blocks the ranking of new sites.

Therefore, if you are developing a new website, SEO may take longer to show results.

Degree of competition

SEO does not exist in a bubble. Your competitors are probably doing SEO, too. If the keywords you are targeting are highly competitive, it will take you longer to rank.

For example, we are happy to rank for the keyword "seo". But the page rank for this keyword has tens of thousands of backlinks:

How long does Google SEO take to work?

Image from: Google screenshot

In fact, the keyword difficulty (KD) score for this keyword is as high as 97:

If we want to compete, it will take us a lot of time and energy. On the other hand, it's much easier to compete for "seo for startups." We did it and now rank #1:


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