
Prime Day preparations to check the lack of leakage, the peak season selection of goods to prepare how fast people step?

Source:EMC   date:2023-06-06 16:37:37   views:558

Entering June, Prime Day preparations came to a critical period, although the specific date has not been officially announced, but combined with past experience predicted that this year's Prime Day is likely to be held in mid-July. There is still a month or so time, you can do what else?

1. Prepare goods to FBA in advance

Regarding stock preparation, sellers need to fully consider factors such as daily sales volume, promotion cycle, and previous promotion performance to prepare inventory. At present, Amazon has announced the activity submission time point of some sites and the FBA entry deadline point. Among them, the deadline of the United States station and the European station is relatively close, and the sellers who have not yet entered the warehouse should pay more attention to the latest logistics timeliness and freight situation, so as not to miss the time.

2. Make promotion plans

The degree of discount is one of the important factors affecting consumers to place orders, so sellers need to reasonably evaluate the costs, develop a detailed promotion program, such as discounts, coupons, gifts, promotional codes, etc.

3. Promote preheating

Consumers generally start to pay attention to promotional information in June, so we should start to warm up for the big promotion from now on, including the big promotion of the store decoration optimization Listing, appropriately increase the advertising budget to develop a reasonable advertising plan, it is recommended to increase the exposure with off-site social media placement, and KOL drainage and other forms.

4. Traffic optimization

Platform promotions are an important source of traffic during Prime Day, and official data shows that the second kill data (LD) of Amazon's North American site rose higher during Prime Day 2022. Among them, the traffic before the week of the activity is mainly from the discount, and the peak traffic during the week of the activity is from the member sharing discount (Mario). In Japan, the peak site is from the treasure of the town store (DOTD).

5. Other precautions

Account security is the first premise of the big promotion of explosive orders, every big promotion on the eve of Amazon's audit will be more strict, sellers prepare for the same time do not forget to check.

Starting from Prime Day, the holiday season in the second half of the year also follows, such as the back-to-school season of the United States station, the European station, the United States Independence Day, the end of summer promotion, and the Obon Festival of the Japanese station, the campus sports season. Sellers can consider seasonal supplies, holiday supplies and back-to-school supplies in the next selection.

At the same time, with the release of the epidemic, people's outdoor exercise frequency increased, related supplies such as outdoor shoes and clothing, camping equipment, sunscreen products, etc. began to rise in sales since May, and it is also a category worth digging. It is recommended that sellers pay more attention to social media trends in their market and adjust their products based on platform data.

This year is a key year for the cross-border e-commerce industry to pick up, and many sellers are optimistic about this year's performance. In the second half of the year, the charge horn has sounded, want to quickly butt high-quality suppliers, dig more sharp goods explosive products?

June 15-17, welcome to 2023 ICEIE China (Xiamen) International Cross-border E-commerce Exhibition! 60,000 square meters of exhibition area, bringing together dozens of high-quality industrial belts across the country, thousands of source factories, clothing bags, household goods, holiday gifts, outdoor sports, hardware tools and other cross-border popular categories, tens of thousands of sharp goods explosive products. At the same time, dozens of well-known cross-border platforms, cross-border quality service providers, as well as cross-border sales, the industry's big coffee will also gather. Not only one-stop link to high-quality cross-border resources, but also more heavy trend interpretation, operation of dry goods, to help you win in the peak season!

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