
Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single!

Source:EMC   date:2023-07-19 17:53:54   views:243

Amazon is an SEO search engine e-commerce, most of the relevance comes from the matching of buyers' search terms and product keywords, and then determine the traffic bit through the weight of the link. Therefore, keywords play a pivotal role in the entire operation process, and the importance of keywords is beyond doubt.

Therefore, as an Amazon seller, keyword operation is a basic skill that all sellers should be familiar with. Accurately and comprehensively grasp keywords, build keyword lexicon, and write the copy that reaches the standard to be accurately identified and included by Amazon is an important step before advertising promotion.

However, because the keyword operation is sometimes too cumbersome, too time-consuming, but also many operations have no patience, do not have enough energy to complete this step, and can not find enough keyword words to layout on the copy, only copy east copy west copy, advertising only hit big words, and such links want to become explosive links, in the current more and more volume of the competitive environment, Imagine the difficulty.

In the past, we also pushed a similar article, about the carpet collection of Amazon keywords can be through the front desk search box, competitive product listing, ABA (brand analysis tool) search term performance and Amazon keyword search report, advertising campaign recommendation words or advertising report words. Of course, these methods can provide a limited number of keywords, more rely on third-party tools.

Today, small craftsmen for some sellers put forward the keyword vocabulary can not find the problem, explain to you, use tools to break through your vocabulary limit!

Step 1: Identify your competitors first

How to choose competing products, first of all must be the same category/node under the product, you can use the category TOP100 of any ASIN word maker query.

For example, I can use an ASIN query under the category of power bank to quickly help the seller know the category of competing products, and directly collect 400 ASIN under related categories.

The seller then finds the direct competitor by comparing the main picture of the product, the price range, the product attributes, and the consumer audience.

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single!

Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Here, the seller can also use the "keyword competitive product collection" and "competitive product collection expansion" under the ASIN collection function of the word maker to expand your direct competitive product ASIN, laying the foundation for a large number of keywords on the home page.

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Step 2: Collect massive keyword data

Before collection, whether it is to push new products or revitalize old products, we must first determine how much the keyword database needs, which means that we must first do a quantitative standard, and the more keywords in the carpet search, the better. Our recommendation is to build a keyword vocabulary that is more than 10 times the size of BSR's ASIN keyword vocabulary.

1. Use [ASIN reverse search] to find out the traffic words of direct competitor ASIN

Enter 1-5 ASins at a time, and enter all the found ASins of direct competitors in turn.

Through the ASIN you enter, the wordsmith will calculate the frequency of words and the proportion of words, and will also be sorted according to the monthly search volume, the number of competing products, competition index, click share, conversion share, ABA search frequency ranking trend and other data.

All keyword traffic sources and structures under Asin, including variations, are clearly visible to sellers. After adding these keywords to the keyword library, the second time you enter the ASIN display keywords added to the same keyword library, the wordsmith will help you automatically de-duplicate! For unrelated words, you can uncheck the box in front of the keyword.

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

This function is very powerful, and sellers can also use it to query the included words of new products. For new products that have just been put on the shelves, as long as there is ASIN, they can search the vocabulary that has been included by Amazon, which is more convenient for sellers to test the accuracy of listing copy and judge whether the copy meets the "four quasi-two more" standard.

2, 【 keyword search 】 will find out the traffic words of direct competitive products

Amazon sellers commonly use two methods to collect keywords. One is to collect keywords with competing products ASIN as mentioned above, and the other is to collect associated keyword data with keywords, which almost aggregate the keyword thesaurus of products.

At one time, you can input 1-10 keywords in the keyword search, and search any keywords such as core words, long tail words or brand words to expand the vocabulary of the keyword thesaurus.

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

3, assuming that these two functions do not meet your keyword vocabulary, or the number of keywords collected is still very small (in general, if you look for keywords according to the indicators said in our course, enough to use), the use of wordsmith's plug-in [Amazon drop-down box] function can also expand the keyword vocabulary of the product.

First download the good wordsmith plug-in, enter the Amazon front desk search box, enter the keyword, the plug-in will display the corresponding ABA data, you can download the form to view.

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Then go to the wordsmith plug-in page and select the corresponding site under the Amazon drop-down box function. Enter multiple keywords into the query in batches (wordsmiths will automatically de-duplicate)

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

The seller can click pause at any time while searching, but be careful to save the data that has been searched.

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

When the search is complete, the seller can click on the [CSV] or [XLSX] next to download the table data, and then import the table into the 【 keyword glossary 】 to expand the vocabulary.

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

Amazon keyword vocabulary is small, can not find, the use of these methods, one step closer to the explosive single! Photo source: Ci craftsmen official website

After the keywords collected in the above three ways are summarized into the total thesaurus, the seller can classify and label the keywords, classify and summarize the positive words and negative words, so that the Listing copy can do a good job in the layout of positive words with good attribute classification, so that important product information and accurate attributes can be correctly included by Amazon, and the A9 algorithm can correctly identify our products. Negative words are summarized after the generation of root frequency, the occurrence of high frequency roots is excluded in the copy, and the advertisement is hit by automatic or manual phrases/widely used phrases to deny these irrelevant roots, "across the board" to exclude inaccurate traffic, thereby improving the advertising click rate and conversion rate, reducing ACOS, and saving more ineffective advertising costs.

How to screen and judge positive words and negative words, small Smith will talk about in the next article, welcome to continue to pay attention to us!

(Credit: Dong Haiwen)

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