
Revenue up 50%! Domestic electric two-wheeler sweeping overseas?

Source:EMC   date:2023-07-27 17:43:27   views:187

In March 2020, the European Commission published the draft European Climate Law, which decided to make it clear in the form of legislation that Europe will achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2050, that is, net greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced to zero by 2050. At the same time, the draft requires all EU institutions and member States to take the necessary measures to achieve these objectives.

Since then, many countries and regions have announced their follow-up. That is, from this time on, the term "carbon neutral" began to appear frequently in our vision, especially in recent years, the explosive growth of the domestic new energy market, but also let us deeply appreciate the country's attention to "carbon neutral".

In fact, the global discussion about fossil fuel pollution has not been interrupted. Many countries have also introduced relevant legal support, such as

In 2017, Vietnam proposed that the capital Hanoi should complete the ban on motorcycle in the third Ring road by 2025, and Ho Chi Minh City should achieve a complete ban on motorcycle by 2025.

In 2019, India reduced the electric vehicle tax rate from 12% to 5% and gave an incentive of Rs 15,000 to compliant electric two-wheelers;

In 2020, Italy will offer subsidies of up to 500 euros for the purchase of micro-motor vehicles (including electric bicycles, scooters and scooters);

In 2021, the UK is offering a 35% discount on electric motorcycles up to £500.


In addition to the above regions, France and the United States have also introduced relevant policies to encourage consumers to buy electric two-wheelers. With the support of such a macro background and policies, the demand for overseas electric two-wheelers continues to heat up, attracting many domestic electric two-wheelers manufacturers to go to sea to seek gold.

According to China Business News, in 2021, China's two-wheeled electric vehicle exports of 22.9 million, an increase of 27.7%, exports of 5.29 billion US dollars, an increase of 50.8%. In terms of export volume, North America is the largest market, followed by Europe, and Asia ranks third.

And the gains are far from over. According to Research and Markets data forecast, by 2027, the global market size of two-wheel electric vehicles will increase from $49.7 billion in 2022 to $80.6 billion, with an average compound annual growth rate of 10.2%.

Such a vast market prospect, so that the domestic including Yadi, Emma, new Day and other traditional brands, Mavericks, No. 9 and other new brands including electric two-wheeler manufacturers desperate to actively seize the overseas market.

Among them, NIU Niu Electric, as a new brand that went abroad earlier, has performed brilliantly in this overseas competition. According to its 2022 Annual Financial report released on March 20, at present, Calf has entered 52 countries and regions, and its annual overseas revenue was 490 million yuan, an increase of 50.0%.

We can not help but ask, in the competition with traditional manufacturers, how is the calf electric to achieve the corner overtaking? In the competition with new brands, how does Niu Electric successfully implement differentiated competition?

First, localization design, achieve deep cooperation

Calf may be the first new electric two-wheeler brand to go to sea in China.

In 2015, Calf took the then-blockbuster product N1 to Milan, Italy, to participate in the EICMA International two-wheeler show. At that time, the electric two-wheeler market was still in its early stages, there were few electric two-wheeler brands, and the 1.5 million two-wheelers shipped in Europe were all fuel vehicles.

At this exhibition, the calf team got a lot of attention with the N1, but it was not easy to actually land. For calf, how to make the product localization is the key to open the market. The key to this localization lies in two aspects:

1. Product compliance

Europe has its own set of standards (safety, power, parameters...) In order to enter the European market, products must meet these standards.

2. Adaptive design

The road conditions, usage scenarios and functional priorities faced by European consumers are different from those at home and need to be taken into account when designing products.

Specifically, the Mavs put a lot of thought into the latter. First of all, the Mavericks took the initiative to set Germany as the first stop on the sea, mainly because Germany is the most stringent for transportation, and the team wanted to crack the hard bones first.

"If it is a travel tool product that can be recognized by the German market, it is easy for other markets to do it." Niu CEO Li Yan said in an interview. It pays to crack the bone. Until now Germany has been the biggest single market for calves, which also extends to the Netherlands and France, where calves have a strong market share.

Second, because European roads are very different from those at home, European consumers face more uneven stone-paved roads. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, Niu changed the N1S tire to 14 inches (the domestic original factory is 12 inches), and optimized the shock absorption.

In the end, Calf in a year, constantly optimize more than 70 designs, and at the end of 2016, and Germany, Italy, France dealers reached a deep cooperation, which is also very different from the development path of calf in China.

In China, the calf is from online to offline; In Europe, it's online to offline. In fact, Calf in Europe (and even the whole overseas) is using online consultation + offline store test drive, and with independent station sales, as far as possible to spread to the omni-channel.

Among them, in the face of different countries and regions, the calf has made many different attempts. For example, because the DMV (United States Motor Vehicle Administration) has included electric two-wheelers in the management scope, it needs to help customers get licenses offline; European customers have a strong demand for power change, so it is necessary to continuously lay power change cabinets below the line......

These are all attempts at the brand service and after-sales level, and at the most important level of marketing, Calf has also made a lot of attempts. After all, although Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America can all be called overseas, they are very different from each other.

Bella believes that Calf's marketing strategy for different regions is very worthy of reference for overseas brands.

2. Social media marketing to convey brand concept

According to the 2023 Overseas Brand Marketing Trends Insight report released by Amazon Advertising, 79% of consumers say they are more willing to buy products and services from brands that align with their values.

In Europe and North America, due to better infrastructure and higher level of social development, a higher proportion of local consumers value brand concepts and corporate values.

Therefore, in order to establish a good brand awareness in the minds of consumers in Europe and North America, Mavericks has made a lot of efforts.

01 Sign ambassador and complete brand endorsement

On January 21, 2020, Mavericks announced that Formula E (FE) world champion Antonio Felix da Costa has become the official Ambassador of Mavericks Electric.

Revenue up 50%! Domestic electric two-wheeler sweeping overseas?

Photo credit: Instagram

Formula 1, as a product of the traditional automobile industry, is one of the most valuable sports IP in the world and a top marketing platform for various brands. And Formula E not only with the influence of the original F1, but also with the "new energy" this global environmental protection issue has gained a lot of attention.

From that perspective, the Mavs and Antonio's partnership is certainly a good fit. On the one hand, Antonio, as an FE World champion from Portugal, has his own influence; On the other hand, with the help of its FE driver status, Mavericks can better communicate the brand's own philosophy to European and American consumers.

Antonio said in an interview, "More and more, I try to associate myself with brands and ideals that I believe in, like Mavericks Electric." Since the future belongs to electric vehicles, it must become a reality as soon as possible in order to bring a better quality of life to everyone."

In addition to the traditional promotion channels, the Mavericks also made a lot of publicity about the cooperation on social media platforms. Antonio also announced his new role as Mavericks brand ambassador on his Instagram account.

To some extent, this kind of publicity has helped the Mavericks increase the influence of its official social media account.

02 Wide net type lightweight Redskins cooperation

In addition to the top-stream cooperation with Antonio in a certain field, in order to maximize the expansion of target customer groups and enhance the brand's voice on social media platforms, Mavericks also cooperated with many social media celebrities to promote products or brands.

Andrea is an active skateboarder on Instagram, whose account posts skateboarding, graffiti and trends that are very popular with young people. Her collaboration with the calf was as simple as Posting a photo and stating the calf account in the body.

This photo is very interesting, because of the fisheye lens, the distortion of the whole photo is very serious, the calf electric vehicle occupying the key position of the picture is very prominent, with the skateboard staying in the air behind, a quiet combination can make the picture extremely impact.

Revenue up 50%! Domestic electric two-wheeler sweeping overseas?

Photo credit: Instagram

Andrea currently has 55,000 followers, and the composition of its fans is relatively simple, mostly young people who love freedom, promote rebellion, and have the willingness to consume but lack certain economic ability.

This may seem like a bit of a mismatch with the brand positioning of the Mavericks, but in our opinion, this kind of cooperation is a good fit. On the one hand, the cooperation with Andrea can strengthen the young avant-garde brand image of Mavericks; On the other hand, as an electric two-wheeled brand, even high-end positioning will not make its product prices too high to reach out of reach, the threshold of three to four thousand dollars is not high.

At the same time, the cost of working with a lightweight celebrity like Andrea is relatively low, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the brand's annual budget.

In addition to Andrea, Niu has worked with a variety of influencers, including photographers, motorcycle enthusiasts, and lifestyle bloggers...... Despite their different fields, they all have two things in common:

1. Both are lightweight bloggers

The Mavericks have struck a balance between budget control and customer expansion. At the same time, lightweight bloggers are relatively more collaborative and tend to produce better content.

2. Fan portraits are close to target customers

Love of life, niche hobbies behind these labels often reflect a higher willingness to pay and ability, which is just right for high-end calves.

As the subtitle says, this wide-net type of red marketing strategy of Mavericks has been fruitful, and it is worthy of reference for overseas brands.

Third, close to life, practical reliable first

One trick doesn't make all the difference. The brand concept and publicity methods applicable in the European and American markets are not necessarily suitable for Latin America, after all, the latter's living standards, use scenarios and developed regions in Europe and the United States compared to different.

If you want to gain a foothold in an underdeveloped region like Latin America, the previous high-end positioning and concept first will inevitably not work, this time, the calf needs to be more grounded.

Vicesat is a professional youtuber specializing in technology sharing and engine transformation, and its channel content is all in Spanish, so it has a certain influence in Latin America, and currently has 3.32 million followers.

Revenue up 50%! Domestic electric two-wheeler sweeping overseas?

Photo credit: YouTube

In 2020, Niu Niu wants to promote its latest product Niu NGT in Latin America. Niu Niu has made many upgrades to this product, but suffers from lack of publicity means, so it chooses Vicesat cooperation.

The form of cooperation is a long video, which includes detailed technical introduction, practical user experience and professional product evaluation. At the same time, Vicesat verified Niu NGT's three selling points:

1, the maximum speed of 80 km/h

2, 75 kilometers of real endurance

3, the same battery supplier as Tesla, and can be freely disassembled

Revenue up 50%! Domestic electric two-wheeler sweeping overseas?

Photo credit: YouTube

Although the whole video is very long, it is interlinked. Vicesat's real riding and going to the top of the mountain is the main line, and many product introductions are interspersed. In this way, while increasing the broadcast rate as much as possible, it also allows fans to fully understand the characteristics of the product.

In the end, the video garnered 3.75 million views, 93,000 likes, and a peaceful discussion in the comments section. Combined with the purchase link in the video introduction, the conversion rate of this video must be very impressive.

Revenue up 50%! Domestic electric two-wheeler sweeping overseas?

Photo credit: YouTube

In fact, sea is a very general term. Overseas is not only a vast world, but also a very differentiated regional collection. Therefore, the same brand in the face of different regions, need to do targeted planning.

Bella believes that as a high-end electric two-wheeler brand with high customer unit price, Niu Electric can continuously harvest high growth in the highly competitive market, and there are three points worth noting for overseas brands:

1. Differentiated promotion strategy

2. Wide net celebrity marketing

3. Cooperate with the head star to complete brand endorsement

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