
Amazon "college entrance Examination" is about to begin! Some sellers can't catch up

Source:EMC   date:2023-06-26 16:28:52   views:196

"Students' college entrance examination results were shielded, the teacher was excited to cheer warm", "Son tested 675 points, father catapulted downstairs to warm", "niece checked 610 aunt ran to the bedroom to fly shoes warm"... Trending searches in recent days have been overwhelmed by topics about the gaokao. For Amazon sellers, they are also about to step into their own examination room - the annual Amazon PrimeDay promotion.

According to Amazon's official disclosure, 2023 Amazon Prime Member Day will be held on July 11-12 in the world, and the event will cover 25 countries, which continues to expand from last year. The determination of PrimeDay time means that the "college entrance examination" has entered the sprint stage.

Whether the performance target of 2023 can be achieved, PrimeDay's "exam results" is a very key consideration, after all, it accounts for a large proportion of sales, and many sellers are counting on the big push to turn the tide. The tense atmosphere before Amazon's "college entrance examination" has been full, but on the eve of this year's PrimeDay, sellers are hot about not stocking, bursting warehouses and other issues, but verification issues, which are still plaguing a large number of sellers, especially in the recent past, the scope of enhanced video verification has expanded, and even the newly registered shops of sellers have also encountered enhanced video verification. If the verification can not pass, it means that there is no "admission ticket".


A "Great Purge" after June 27?

Just last week, Amazon US announced that the Consumer Notification Act will take effect on June 27, requiring Amazon to collect, verify and display the identity, bank account, company address, email address, phone number and tax information of certain third-party sellers. The seller is required to provide business information in a timely manner to avoid future interference with the seller's business, such as deduction and account deactivation in accordance with legal requirements.

"Will the purge begin after June 27?" That's the question many sellers are asking right now, because the clock is really ticking.

According to Hugo cross-border understanding, due to the excessive number of sellers who need to be audited, the audit time is longer than before, and one seller said that his identity verification is still under review, and it has been a week since the submission of information. The seller account information that has not completed all the authentication has a prompt "Your account is at risk of deactivation", and requires the seller to carry out identity verification, telephone verification, bank verification, address verification, tax verification as soon as possible.

At present, there are still many sellers with one or more unverified information, and some sellers said that after the verification was successful, the background showed "not verified", or the verification was unsuccessful, and the verification was successful.

"The biggest problem now is that there is nothing we can do about the 27th."

"Refresh where there is no validation and wait a week."

"The system did not arrange a postcard for me, keep clicking to add a new address, can not trigger the postcard, customer service said my address is no problem, do not need to verify."

Amazon's current system is still shaky. Why does the certificate not show success? A seller consulted Amazon customer service, and the reply said that after inquiry, the seller's account address and tax page are not wrong at present, and the address verification and tax verification have passed, there is no need to submit verification again, and you can patiently wait for the system update.

For the question of whether the store will be closed after June 27, a seller consulted Amazon customer service staff, and the reply said that as long as the verification process is entered before June 27, it will not close the store, "After consulting customer service, as long as the verification step is started, if the audit is not completed on the 27th, it will not suspend the store." In addition, some careful sellers found that the English version of the prompt has not emphasized the time point of June 27.

Amazon "college entrance Examination" is about to begin! Some sellers can't catch up


Video verification is like "college entrance examination"

"The college entrance examination has never been so nervous, but fortunately the title was successful." "Laughed an Amazon seller who had just passed the video verification. If it is only a simple video verification, the seller can easily cope, such as asking the seller's account email, the name of the legal person, and requiring the seller to show the original ID card and the original business license of the legal person in the video call. However, secondary video verification or enhanced video verification is much more complex, and from the feedback of sellers, the pass rate is relatively low.

According to the experience of a number of sellers, video verification also has some questions that are difficult to answer or have traps, and a slight answer is not smooth, it may be wasted. For example, whether it is operated on behalf of the company, whether it has purchased insurance, the name of the supplier, how to deal with the bad reviews of the store, where is the IP address of the video verification, what time is the first order of the best selling products, and when the social security of the operators with video verification was submitted last.

According to a seller, there were no illegal operations such as brushing orders, splitting variants, and merging warehouses, and its Canadian store also received video verification in April, but it did not pass. The questions involved licenses, ID cards, credit card bills, collection bills, procurement invoices, etc., but he said that these are relatively simple issues, the legal person who participated in the video audit is relatively young, but also has done operations, there is a certain resilience, but he wondered whether it was still not passed, and finally was judged fraud.

To the confusion of sellers, many newly registered stores have also received video verification recently. Some sellers concluded that the answer to the question is not too nervous, if the question is completely do not understand, say that he is a novice, just contact Amazon, still learning, but must not answer the question or random answer.

Another concern for sellers is that if video verification on one site is not handled in a timely manner, it may trigger video reviews on other sites. Some sellers said that the European station has not been taken care of, and did not log in for a long time to miss the review time of video verification, and the results even the United States site also triggered a second video verification. Some sellers believe that several sites in North America generally share a mailbox, and it is easy to cause "tandem" after a problem with a site.

In fact, whether it is the recent verification, or the upcoming Prime Day, it is a big test for Amazon sellers. How prepared are you? What are the problems with validation? What are your expectations for the mid-year promotion? Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom.

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